Terms of Service

1. Service Description

Clipping Pix offers image editing services, primarily focused on background removal.

2. User Responsibilities

Users must have the rights to images submitted for editing. We do not accept or edit nude or pornographic images. Users should follow our “How It Works” section for order placement.

3. Payment Terms

Payment is required before editing begins. Users should accurately pay for the number of images sent. Discrepancies may lead to additional invoicing, order adjustments, or refunds. Refund requests should follow a revision request and are processed within 1-2 weeks.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

Use of website content or images without explicit permission is prohibited.

5. Limitation of Liability

Clipping Pix is not liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of our services, to the extent permitted by law.

6. Termination of Service

Services may be terminated by either party for breach of terms, with notice, as per legal requirements.

7. Governing Law

These terms are governed by the laws of Bangladesh.

8. Changes to Terms

Significant changes to terms will be communicated via email.

9. Dispute Resolution

Disputes will be resolved through negotiation; if unresolved, legal proceedings may follow in accordance with Bangladeshi law.

10. Contact Information

For inquiries, contact hello@clippingpix.com.

This document outlines the terms under which Sports Photo Edits offers its services, detailing user responsibilities, payment terms, and legal provisions.